Evaluation of
Phytoremediation for
Management of Chlorinated
Solvents in Soil and
- View/Download Report (543K/42pp/PDF)
- This document is intended to aid regulators, site owners, consultants, neighbors, and other
stakeholders in understanding the proper application of planted systems to remediate
groundwater contaminated with halogenated solvents. It assumes a familiarity with
environmental and regulatory processes, in general, but little knowledge of plant-based, or
"phytoremediation," technologies. The document is not intended as regulatory guidance, but as
an aid to understanding of the mechanisms of how plants detoxify certain compounds under
certain conditions.
Phytoremediation Bibliography

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Print Version of Full Bibliography with Abstracts (approx. 150 pages)
Print Version of Full Bibliography without Abstracts (approx. 120 pages)
This comprehensive bibliography contains 1,988 citations on phytoremediation or closely related
subjects, and includes
peer-reviewed journal articles, presentations and posters from conferences,
book chapters, and articles from newspapers and magazines. Inevitably some of the information is redundant, and some literature
might have been missed. This list will be updated quarterly to add new
information and to make corrections. Corrections, deletions, and additions may
be sent to Steve Rock (rock.steven@epamail.epa.gov),
Bruce Pivetz (pivetz.bruce@epa.gov),
or by leaving a Comment for the RTDF Webmaster.
TPH Subgroup Phytoremediation Field Trials: Results and Preliminary Conclusions
- View/Download Presentation (1.7MB/PDF)
- These materials were presented by Dr. Peter Kulakow of Kansas State University at the International Applied Phytotechnologies Conference on March 5, 2003.
Alternative Cover Assessment Program Documents, Field Sites, and Site-Specific Data
- View (Desert Research Institute Program Web Site)
- The goal of the Alternative Cover Assessment Program (ACAP) is the development of field-scale performance data for landfill final cover systems. Both prescriptive (RCRA) and innovative alternative cover designs are currently being tested in the project. ACAP is part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - National Risk Management Research Laboratory's (NRMRL) Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program established to promote the development of new and innovative technologies used to address hazardous waste problems.
Annual Report of the RTDF
Phytoremediation Action Team - TPH Subgroup: Cooperative Field Trials (March
- View Report
- The Total Petroleum Hyrdocarbons (TPH) Subgroup of the RTDF
Phytoremediation Action Team initiated cooperative trials to test the use of
vegetation to enhance treatment of surface soils contaminated with weathered
petroleum hydrocarbons. Collaborators include PERF (Petroleum Environmental
Research Forum), U.S. EPA, U.S. DoD, major petroleum and energy corporations,
environmental consultants, and universities. This report summarizes the
experimental procedures and initial conditions at 11 trial locations that will
be monitored for three growing seasons. A primary purpose of the RTDF trials is
to collect data that will help site managers and regulatory officials evaluate
the potential of phytoremediation. This report also summarizes some of the
regulatory issues that were raised in obtaining approvals to conduct the
trials. Future reports will analyze the influence of vegetation treatments on
changes in TPH and PAH concentrations and hydrocarbon composition.
Phytoremediation of Petroleum
Hydrocarbons in Soil Field Study Protocol
- View
Protocol (Revised July 1999)
- View/Download
Plant Hydrocarbon Uptake Analysis Protocol (66K/PDF)
Phytoremediation of TCE in Groundwater
using Populus
- View Report
- Download
- The purpose of this report is to briefly summarize the
current state of phytoremediation technology, and then focus on the use of
poplar trees (Populus sp.) to degrade trichloroethylene (TCE) in groundwater.
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