Phytorem Listserv
This mailing list is for the discussion of research and development of
phytoremediation (the use of plants to remediate contamination). Topics
relevant to the list include:
- uptake of ground water and contaminants by plants;
- enhanced microbial activity in the rhizosphere;
- fate and transport of contaminants in plant root zones;
- phytotoxicity and revegetation in contaminated soils;
- transpiration and its effect on ground water flow; and
- fate of contaminants in plants after uptake.
The above list is not meant to be exclusive. Any topic relevant to the
use of plants for the remediation of soils, sediments and ground water
is appropriate.
Subscribe to the Phytorem Listserv
PHYTONET - Phytoremediation Electronic Newsgroup
The Phytonet Newsgroup was developed to allow easy worldwide
communications between scientists who work on problems related with
Phytoremediation and Application of Plant Systems to Environmental Control. The
Phytoremediation Electronic Network moderated by Nelson Marmiroli Phytonet
Newsgroup is operated by the Department of Environmental Sciences, University
of Parma, Italy.
Subscribe to
Other Resources
- Alternative Cover Assessment Program (Desert Research Institute Program Web Site)
- Assessment of Phytoremediation as an
In-Situ Technique for Cleaning Oil-Contaminated Sites (367K/PDF)
- A
Citizen's Guide to Phytoremediation
- Bioremediation
Discussion Group Home
- Bioresource
Engineering - Oregon State University
- DOE:
Technology Information Exchange ("Phytoremediation: Natural Attenuation That
Really Works")
- Environmental Security Technology
Certification Program - Cleanup Projects page
- Ground-Water
Remediation Technologies Analysis Center: Phytoremediation - Technology
Phytoremediation Page
- Interstate
Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) Working Group Reports
ITRC, a national coalition of state environmental regulatory agencies, works
cooperatively with federal agencies and other stakeholders to improve the
acceptance and interstate deployment of innovative environmental technologies.
- Phytoremediation at Utah State
- Poplars and
Willows on the World Wide Web
Economic Research Service - Industrial Uses of Agricultural Materials

Sponsored by the Technology Innovation Program
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