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Final Remedial Action Report for Lasagna™ Phase IIb In-Situ Remediation of Solid Waste Management Unit 91 at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Paducah, Kentucky

This Final Remedial Action (RA) Report was written in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Facilities Agreement (FFA) among the United States Department of Energy (DOE), United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This report documents that the Phase IIb Lasagna™ In-situ Remediation Technology (Lasagna™) at Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) 91, located at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP), has been implemented in accordance with specifications and has met the performance standards specified in the Record of Decision (ROD). The following elements are included:

  • Site and Remedy Description,
  • Chronology of Events,
  • Performance Standards and Construction Quality Control,
  • Construction Activities,
  • Final Inspection,
  • Certification Remedy is Operational and Functional,
  • Operation and Maintenance, and
  • Summary of Project Costs

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Rapid Commercialization Initiative (RCI) Report

Environmental regulators from seven states and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) collaborated with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and an industrial consortium to demonstrate the performance of an innovate environmental soil remediation technology, named Lasagna ™. To assess cost and performance for removing trichloroethylene (TCE) from low-permeability soils, the demonstration was at DOE's Paducah, KY, site and it was successful. The states, EPA, DOE's Office of Science and Technology, and the industrial consortium led by Monsanto collaborated through the Rapid Commercialization Initiative (RCI), an interagency-interstate partnership. The Southern States Energy Board facilitated state regulatory participation.

Industrial partners in the consortium are Monsanto, General Electric, and Dupont. A technology verification statement, the final product, reported performance and cost results, listed contacts for participating regulators, and was signed by all partnership participants. The last letter of concurrence has just arrived at Monsanto. States not having a statute authorizing verification of technology performance preferred to concur with rather than sign the report.

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Topical Reports

The following tables summarize the status and give ordering information for the Phase I and IIa topical reports and other reports of interest. Electronic versions of most reports can be downloaded and viewed using Adobe's Acrobat Reader 3.0. (Use the icon above to link to Adobe's home page--follow the instructions for downloading Reader 3.0). The downloaded files do not include a number of figures, tables, and/or appendices, since these parts may not have been embedded in the topical reports document files. This information is only available in the hard copy. Hard copies of these reports may be obtained from the Office of Scientific and Technical Information [(423)576-8401] if you are with DOE or a DOE contractor, or from:

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, VA 22161

Phone: (703)487-4600 (Regular Service)
Phone: (703)487-4700 (Rush Service, $10.00 Additional Per Item)

This ordering information is also found within each document.

Development of an Integrated in-situ Remediation Technology

Title, Date, Author Abstract

Topical Report for Task #3.1 entitled
"Emplacement Technology - An Evaluation of Phase IIa and Alternative Lasagna™ Emplacement Methods"

Not Yet Available from NTIS
(September 26, 1994 -August 31, 1997)
Richard C. Landis, Ronald J. Griffith, Steven H. Shoemaker, Dale S. Schultz, and Gary C. Quinton
The DuPont Company

The present Topical Report for Task #3.1 summarizes the electrode and treatment zone emplacement technology developed by the DuPont Company.

Contamination in low-permeability soils poses a significant technical challenge to in-situ remediation efforts. Poor accessibility to the contaminants and difficulty in delivery of treatment reagents have rendered existing in-situ treatments such as bioremediation, vapor extraction, and pump and treat rather ineffective when applied to low permeability soils present at many contaminated sites. The technology is an integrated in-situ treatment in which established geotechnical methods are used to install degradation zones directly in the contaminated soil and electro-osmosis is utilized to move the contaminants back and forth through those zones until the treatment is completed.

Topical Report for Task #7.2 entitled
"Field Scale Studies"

Not Yet Available from NTIS
(January 10, 1996 - December 31, 1997)
Christopher J. Athmer, Sa V. Ho, B. Mason Hughes, P. Wayne Sheridan, and P. H. Brodsky (Monsanto Company) and Andrew P. Shapiro and Joseph J. Salvo (General Electric Company), and Dale S. Schultz, Richard C. Landis, Ron Griffith, and Stephen H. Shoemaker (DuPont)

The present Topical Report for Task #7.2 summarizes the Field Scale Test conducted by Monsanto Company, DuPont, and General Electric.

Topical Report for Task #3.2 entitled
"Modeling and Iron Dechlorination Studies"

DOE/OR/22459-T1, DE98006103
(September 26, 1994 - August 31, 1997)
Andrew P. Shipiro, Timothy M. Sivavec, and Jan M. Principe (General Electric Research and Development)

The present Topical Report for Task #3.2 summarizes the modeling and dechlorination research conducted by General Electric Research and Development.

Topical Report for Task #3.2 entitled
"Iron Dechlorination Studies"

DOE/OR/22459-T2, DE98006119
(September 26, 1994 - August 31, 1997)
Robert Orth, Taiwo Dauda, and David E. McKenzie (Monsanto Company)

The present Topical Report for Task #3.2 summarizes the iron dechlorination research conducted by Monsanto Company.


Title, Date, Author Document Number

Topical Report for Task #2-4 entitled
"Electrokinetic Modeling"

(September 26, 1994 - May 25, 1996)
Andrew P. Shipiro (General Electric Company)

DOE/METC/31185-5391, DE97002135

Topical Report for Task #5 entitled
"Cost Analysis"

(September 26,1994 - May 25, 1996)
Gary Quinton, Dale Schultz, Richard Landis, Ronald Griffith, and Stephen Shoemaker (DuPont Company)

DOE/METC/31185-5389, DE97002134

Topical Report for Task #6 entitled
"Lab-Scale Development of Microbial Degradation Process"

(September 26, 1994 - May 25, 1996)
Martin Odom (DuPont Company)

DOE/METC/31185-5388, DE97002130

Topical Report for Tasks #8 and 10 entitled
"Laboratory and Pilot Scale Experiments of the Lasagna Process"

(September 26, 1994 - May 25, 1996)
Sa V. Ho, Christopher J. Athmer, and P. Wayne Sheridan (Monsanto Company)and Andrew P. Shapiro (General Electric Company)

DOE/METC/31185-5375, DE97002150

Topical Report for Task #9 - Part I entitled
"TCE Degradation Using Non-Biological Methods"

(September 26, 1994 - May 25, 1996)
Andrew P. Shapiro, Timothy M. Sivavec, and Sunita S. Baghel (General Electric Company)

DOE/METC/31184-5392, DE97002133

Topical Report for Task #9 - Part II entitled
"TCE Degradation Using Non-Biological Methods"

(September 26, 1994 - May 25, 1996)
Robert G. Orth and David E. McKenzie (Monsanto Company)

DOE/METC/31185-5393, DE97002131

Topical Report for Task #11 entitled
"Evaluation of TCE Contamination Before and After the Field Experiment"

(September 26, 1994 - May 25, 1996)
B. Mason Hughes, Sa V. Ho, Christopher J. Athmer, and P. Wayne Sheridan (Monsanto Company) Stephen H. Shoemaker and John R. Larson (DuPont) Jay L. Clausen (LMES) and John L. Zutman (ORNL-Grand Junction)

DOE/METC/31185-5496, DE97002166

Topical Report for Task #1 entitled "Evaluation of Treatment Zone Formation Options"
(September 26, 1994 - May 25, 1996)
Stephen H. Shoemaker, Richard C. Landis, Ronald J. Griffith, Dale S. Schultz, and Gary E. Quinton (DuPont Company)

DOE/METC/31185-5346, DE97002165

Topical Report for Task #7 entitled "Development of Degradation Processes"
(September 26, 1994 - May 25, 1996)
M.J. Brackin, M.H. Heitkamp and S.V. Ho (Monsanto Company)

DOE/METC/31185-5495, DE97002165

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Remediation Technologies Development Forum
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