IINERT Soil-Metals Action Team
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Soil/Site Survey

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The In-Place Inactivation and Natural Ecological Restoration Technologies (IINERT) Soil-Metals Action Team wants to identify areas for use as potential research field sites and to collect sufficient quantities and types of soils for research purposes. The Team has grouped the types of sites to be include in these studies based on the source of lead (Pb) contamination, such as:

  • Industrial or waste sites, including tetraethyllead and ammunition manufacturing, burning grounds, and battery breaking;
  • Mining and smelting operations;
  • Orchard sites on which PbAsO4 pesticides have been applied;
  • Soils contaminated mainly from paint or leaded gasoline emissions; and
  • Firing ranges.

The Team wants to study soils and sites with total Pb concentrations from 0.2 to 1 percent, although concentrations above and below this range also may be desirable. Other inorganic and organic contaminants also may be present. The plan is to collect surface soil samples in bulk (55 gal.) from each of the Pb-contamination source groups. The samples will include soils of various textures and pH. All soils will be characterized by standard methods for relevant soil properties and made available to IINERT Team members for additional study.

If you can suggest additional sites, please download or complete the following survey form and send it to Team Co-chair Dr. Bill Berti at DuPont Central Research and Development, Glasgow Site 301, P.O. Box 6101, Newark, DE 19714-6101, or (e-mail) bill.berti@usa.dupont.com. For questions, contact Dr. Berti at 302-451-9224.

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Download the form (13K/Excel version 4)
After completing the form, please send it to Team Co-chair Dr. Bill Berti at DuPont Central Research and Development, Glasgow Site 301, P.O. Box 6101, Newark, DE 19714-6101, or (e-mail) bill.berti@usa.dupont.com.

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To complete this form, print the blank form from your web browser. Then after completing the form, please mail it to Team Co-chair Dr. Bill Berti at DuPont Central Research and Development, Glasgow Site 301, P.O. Box 6101, Newark, DE 19714-6101

Soil/Site Survey

Your name

Phone number


Your e-mail address

Your U.S. mail address

Site Information
Site name and location

City, state, zip

County where site is located

Current land use (residential or industrial)

Site size in acres

EPA Region and contact person

Site contact person

Phone number


E-mail address

Is the site accessible by road?

Is there water available at the site for irrigation/equipment decontamination?

Is the site sloped?

Does the site contain a floodplain?

Yes   No

If yes, describe the nature of the waterway in the floodplain (intermittent, stream, river, etc.)

What percentage of the site area lies in the floodplain?

Site Contamination Information
What are the inorganic contaminants present? If other than those below, please describe.
Pb As Cd Cr Cu Hg Zn
lower level

upper level


Are there organic contaminants present?

How long has the site been contaminated?

What was the source of contamination?

What is the depth of contamination?

What is/are the drivers for site remediation?

What is the depth to groundwater?

Is the area considered a wetland?

What are the proposed remediation technologies?

Has any remediation been tried to this point?

Who provided the site characterization data?

What methods were used to characterize the contaminants?

What testing information is known about the contaminant leachability? (e.g. TCLP, SPLP, WET)

Is sequential Chemical Extraction data available?

Is contaminant speciation data available?

Has any bioavailability testing been done on the soil? If so, please specify.

Has any ecological risk testing been done on the soil? If so, please specify.

Soil Quality/Fertility Testing
Soil type or soil series name

soil pH

% organic matter


soluble salts

particle size analysis

% sand

% silt

% clay

Soil mineralogy data


N, P, K results

Please feel free to make comments and attach information as necessary.

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