On July 22, 2002, the following members of the Remediation Technologies Development Forum's (RTDF's) Sediments Remediation Action Team met in a conference call:
Nancy Grosso, DuPont Corporate Remediation (Action Team Co-chair)
Dennis Timberlake, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Action Team Co-chair)
Kelly Madalinski, EPA
Ralph Stahl, DuPont Corporate Remediation
Christine Hartnett of Eastern Research Group, Inc., (ERG) was also present.
This conference call was held to identify a date and location for the next Sediments Remediation Action Team meeting. Three potential locations were identified: (1) Seattle, Washington; (2) San Francisco, California; and (3) Long Beach, California. Call participants decided on Seattle. They chose that location because it is home to EPA's Region 10 office, which has been a leader in exploring ground water/surface water interactions-the theme of the next RTDF meeting. In addition, call participants noted, Seattle is a convenient travel destination for Region 9 representatives and it is hoped that Region 9 will send someone to the RTDF meeting to discuss the Consolidated Slip Program.
Call participants agreed that the meeting should extend over 2 days. October 22-23 or October 29-30 were identified as possible dates. A preference was expressed for the latter, but call participants agreed that either date would essentially be acceptable. The Action Team will make a final decision on the dates after speaking with Region 9 and 10 representatives about their availability.
The next Sediments Remediation Action Team conference call will be scheduled for July 29, 2002, between 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. Before that time, the following activities will be completed:
Kelly Madalinski will call Bruce Duncan (from Region 10) to find out whether he is willing to participate in the Action Team meeting and which dates are acceptable. Madalinski will also find out whether Region 10 is willing to host the meeting, and if so, whether meeting room space is available at Region 10's office facilities.
Ralph Stahl will contact Region 9's Steve John to determine whether he is willing to present information on the Consolidated Slip Program and which dates he is available to do so.
Dennis Timberlake will determine whether people within EPA's National Risk Management Research Laboratory are willing to participate in the RTDF meeting.
After a meeting location and date have been set, the following activities will be completed:
Action Team leaders will identify additional speakers for the agenda. They will make an effort to include people who can speak on a range of ground water/surface water topics. For example, speakers will be asked to present information on ecological, hydraulic, and physical aspects. An effort will also be made to identify speakers who can talk about a variety of settings. That is, instead of simply inviting people to speak about creek-ground water interactions, the Action Team will try to invite people who can discuss tidal estuaries as well. Call participants expressed interest in inviting the following people to give presentations: Mark Greenberg, Bart Chadwick, Dick Willey, and Allen Burton. Nancy Grosso said that she also knew people from the University of Waterloo and the U.S. Geological Survey who might be able to provide helpful overview-style presentations.
ERG will plan the meeting and send invitations to Action Team members.
Grosso said that ground water/surface water interaction was identified as the theme for the meeting after conducting a poll of Action Team members. Other topics that generated significant interest were: (1) uncertainty analysis and (2) sediment core age dating techniques. These topics could be explored at future meetings.