May 29, 1998
10:30 a.m.—12:00 p.m.

On May 29, 1998, the following members of the Phytoremediation of Organics Action Team, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) in Soil Subgroup, met in a conference call:

Lucinda Jackson, Chevron Corporation (RTDF Action Team Co-Chair and Subgroup Co-Chair)
Phil Sayre, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Subgroup Co-Chair)
Evelyn Drake, Exxon Research and Engineering
Jim Brown, Roy F. Weston
Jim Edwards, RETEC, Inc.
Peter Kulakow, Kansas State University (KSU)
Royal Nadeau, EPA, Environmental Response Team, New Jersey
Charlene Owens, Exxon Product Research
C.M. (Mike) Reynolds, U.S. Army Cold Regions
David Tsao, Amoco Research Center
Duane Wolf, University of Arkansas

Also present was Christine Hartnett of Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG).


Evelyn Drake opened the conference call by discussing cost estimates submitted by two laboratories: Arthur D. Little (ADL) and Batelle. Drake faxed the price quotes to conference call participants on May 28, 1998.

Drake said more precise cost breakdowns are presented in the fax that was sent to conference call participants. She said that she asked for detailed breakdowns because different teams within the RTDF Subgroup might choose to use the outside laboratories more extensively than others. For example, some teams may use the outside laboratory for all of the hydrocarbon analyses, while other teams may extract samples and perform TPH analysis in-house. Drake said that performing in-house analyses could be a good idea, but cautioned that using multiple laboratories increases the risk of generating inconsistent data.

Drake said that ADL and Batelle generated their cost estimates assuming that they would receive about 550 samples from the RTDF Subgroup over a 3-year period. Drake did not know whether the laboratories would raise their prices if they were to receive fewer samples.

Drake stressed that both laboratories are offering very reasonable rates. She said ADL's rate is about half what they charged during past projects. Batelle's price is even lower that ADL's reasonable rate. If the RTDF Subgroup decides to send all 550 samples to Batelle rather than ADL, the Subgroup will save about $50,000. Drake stressed that Batelle's price is very reasonable and thinks that they offered this rate because they really want the RTDF Subgroup's business. ADL is aware of Batelle's low rate but does not feel that they can match Batelle's price without losing money.

Drake said that she believes that both laboratories are competent and will offer equivalent capabilities. She said she has had extensive experience working with ADL and can vouch for their excellent quality of work. She also said that she was impressed with Batelle after talking with Batelle's Allan Uhler and Kevin McCarthy. In her discussions with Batelle, Drake was told that Batelle could complete analyses within 7 days for the initial site characterization sampling (TI) and for the initial field test sampling (T0) at no additional cost. (For all other sampling events, Drake asked for a 21-day turnaround.) Drake was confident that ADL would also be able to meet the RTDF Subgroup's turnaround times. Drake said that ADL has already agreed to store all the RTDF Subgroup's samples throughout the duration of the project and to perform all of the quality assurance/quality control activities that are required in normal government and industrial projects. Drake was confident that Batelle would offer to do the same.

Peter Kulakow asked whether the laboratories objected to the fact that they will receive samples in an intermittent fashion. Drake said the laboratories work most efficiently when they receive samples in batches of 12 to 20.

The following conference call participants expressed an opinion about which laboratory they prefer to use:

Given the opinions expressed by the conference call participants, Drake proposed having the RTDF Subgroup endorse both laboratories and then allowing individual project team leaders to choose which laboratory to use. Before deciding whether this is a viable option, however, she plans to gather additional information about whether (1) the laboratories are amenable to the idea of sharing the workload, and (2) the price per sample will increase if either laboratory receives less than 550 samples. Drake said that she will pursue these issues and will release a note summarizing her findings before the next RTDF Subgroup conference call. She said the note will also include information about using a standard sample to compare the results of both laboratories.


Sayre said that he and Steve Rock have been talking about using a Hazardous Substances Research Center (HSRC) as a coordinating center that could help coordinate sample handling and data analysis. Sayre and Rock have been talking about using money contributed by TIO to partially fund the HSRC. Sayre noted that it is still unsure whether TIO will contribute money but that the probability is fairly high. Sayre suspected that the contribution could range from $20,000 to $60,000.


RETEC, Inc. completed an SOP that describes how to collect, handle, store, and ship samples. Prior to the May 29, 1998, conference call, the SOP was distributed to the RTDF Subgroup participants. Jim Edwards, a RETEC, Inc. representative, summarized the SOP for conference call participants.

Edwards noted that the SOP recommends using a bucket auger and a split barrel core sampler to collect soil samples. (These devices can be ordered through forestry supply catalogs.) According to Edwards, these sampling tools help ensure that samples are collected from the desired depths. Edwards said that the SOP explains how to collect surface and subsurface samples for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs), TPH, and biomarker analyses. Edwards noted that the SOP describes a VOC sample collection methodology (SW-846 Method 5035) that has been adopted by some states (e.g., New Jersey) and will likely be adopted by additional states, such as New York, in the near future. This collection methodology is designed to prevent losses of VOCs due to volatilization and biodegradation prior to receipt at the laboratory.

Sayre questioned whether VOC samples need to be collected, stating that the majority of the RTDF Subgroup's proposed sites have fairly aged hydrocarbons. Tsao said that VOCs are not expected to be prevalent at his site. Jackson said that she will collect VOCs at the Chevron site in Ohio simply because EPA is requiring her to do so. She thanked Edwards for providing information on the SW-846 Method 5035 methodology because EPA has asked her to use this methodology. Reynolds said that he plans to collect VOC samples at T0 and 30 months after planting (T3). Both Jackson and Tsao agreed that sampling at the beginning and end of the field test could help address regulatory questions.

Jackson remarked that the SOP does not stress the importance of icing samples in the field. Edwards said that the SOP's "Packaging and Shipment of Samples" section states that samples should be iced, but he acknowledged that the SOP fails to indicate that the samples should be iced immediately upon collection.

Sayre said that Steve Geiger, also from RETEC, Inc., had indicated that it would be good to include benzene and carcinogenic PAHs in the SOP. Sayre asked Edwards whether these issues were addressed in the SOP. Edwards said he would check with Geiger and get back to Sayre.

As pointed out by Sayre, RETEC Inc.'s SOP states that soil samples should be collected in glass jars even though Drake recommended against using glass jars in a previous conference call. Edwards and Jackson said that they have always used glass jars throughout their careers.

Conference call participants said that the SOP was concise, easy to understand, and extremely detailed. Reynolds noted that it is wise to have a detailed plan before going into the field. The participants agreed that the SOP should be added as an attachment to the protocol. Kulakow asked how closely RTDF Subgroup participants would be expected to follow the protocol. For example, he asked, would a team member be breaking protocol if they decided not to test for VOCs? Jackson and Edwards noted that VOC sampling is listed as optional in the SOP.


Kulakow completed an example of a generalized grass seeding mixture design for soil contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons. Prior to the May 29, 1998, conference call, Kulakow's design example was distributed to conference call participants. Kulakow summarized the main points:

Selecting a seed mixture and a planting protocol needs to be site-specific. Kulakow said that it is important for investigators to understand local environmental conditions, soil properties, and contaminant characteristics at a site before determing what plants to select. He said that investigators can gather site-specific information by consulting with local agricultural extensions, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, and local seed suppliers.

Kulakow told the conference call participants that they should feel free to call him if they want to discusss site-specific issues.


Brown recommended collecting a composite sample during TI and sending it to a regional soil testing laboratory for a soil fertility evaluation. This evaluation, he said, would provide a variety of useful information, including native nutrient concentrations and pH levels. Brown estimated that the analyses would cost about $7 to $8 per sample. Brown encouraged RTDF Subgroup participants to establish a relationship with local agricultural extension personnel and to inform them of the Subgroup's activities.

Reynolds asked whether standard soil testing procedures are valid for samples that are oily. Brown said certain tests, such as the cation exchange capacity test, can be rendered ineffective if the samples are too oily. To avoid problems, Brown said that he would collect nearby uncontaminated soil samples if the contaminated soils are very oily. In general, Brown did not think problems would be encountered unless the sample was greater than 2 to 3% (20,000 to 30,000 ppm) oil.

Fertilization Rates

Brown emphasized the importance of using fertilizer at test sites. Without fertilizer, he posited, a competition for nutrients could be established between microbes and plants. His experience has shown that such competitive scenarios lead to unhealthy, nutrient-deficient plants. Brown said that many of the former land treatment test sites will likely have high nutrient loads, but stressed that investigators should ensure that this is the case. Any deficiencies in nitrogen or phosphorus, he stressed, could have adverse effects on phytoremediation field studies. As a general rule of thumb, Brown suspected that Subgroup participants would need to add about 100 pounds of nitrogen per acre and 25 to 30 pounds of phosphorus per acre. He stressed, however, that much higher loads may be required if areas are nutrient deficient. Charlene Owens said that sites with a high hydrocarbon content will need large fertilizer quantities to support the microbial degrader population. She warned that fertilizer quantities could be high enough to cause toxicity to plants. She recommended, therefore, that fertilizer be added intermittently rather than all at once. Brown agreed with Owens' point, noting that adding excessive nitrogen can cause adverse salt effects, toxicity, and water quality problems. Kulakow said that his group typically adds fertilizer to test sites every 3 to 6 months.

Reynolds noted that the current protocol calls for an unfertilized control plot and fertilized plant treatment plots. He pointed out that none of the plots will have just plants or just fertilizer. If phytoremedial effects are observed, he noted, it could be difficult to determine whether it is the fertilizer or the plants that are causing the phytoremediation, particularly if one research team opts to use a far greater proportion of fertilizer than another. Owens asked the group whether it would be wise to include a fertilized control plot to answer some of these questions. Jackson said that she likes the protocol as is because it is focused and simple. Reynolds recommended trying to identify a fertilizer application scheme that could be adopted by the group. For example, he said, maybe all of the teams should determine the rate of fertilizer that is required at their sites and then double that rate. Sayre recommended discussing this topic in more detail during the next conference call.


Brown noted that the activities of hydrocarbon degraders often create acidic conditions. He recommended testing soil pH to ensure that soils are not overly acidic. If the soil is in the mid-5 range, he said he would add lime until the soil pH reaches the higher end of the 6 range. Jackson agreed, saying that this was an excellent point and that she would change the protocol to reflect Brown's comment.


Deciding Whether It Is Necessary to Perform Microbial Analysis

Jackson asked the group whether it is truly necessary to perform microbial analyses. She noted that her clients are interested in the end results of phytoremedial technologies and are less concerned with determining why the technology works. She asked whether the microbial analysis could be considered an optional analysis.

Sayre noted that the protocol was originally designed to have a tiered approach, clearly identifying which analyses are considered essential and which are optional. Sayre said that the tiered approach could be reinstated, but Jackson said that she likes the protocol as it is because it is simple and straightforward.

Brown said that the microbial analysis should be optional. In cases where limited funds are available, he believes investigators would benefit more strongly by focusing their efforts on other analyses. Compared to other analyses, Brown said, the cost-benefit relationship for microbial analysis is in the lower third.

Reynolds said that the microbial analysis should be considered optional because, in reality, all of the analyses are optional and will only be performed if adequate funding becomes available. Reynolds strongly encouraged participants to perform microbial analysis, however, and stressed that the RTDF Subgroup will miss a golden opportunity to determine how phytoremediation works if they fail to do so. Reynolds said that the RTDF Subgroup's protocol is unique because it includes a control plot in the test design. In the future, Reynolds doubted that investigators will be as willing to include control plots.

Tsao said that collecting microbial analysis samples is important because some state regulators may require proof of how phytoremediation works.

Jackson said the conference call participants convinced her that collecting the samples is important and she said she will make an effort to collect samples for microbial analysis.

Deciding When to Collect Samples for Microbial Analysis

Conference call participants debated whether initial microbial analysis should be performed during the TI or T0sampling event. Sayre said that the TI sampling event is designed to assist in picking actual plots within a test site. He argued, therefore, that microbial analysis samples should be collected at TI to ensure that the selected plots support a sufficient number of hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms. Sayre warned that investigators run the risk of establishing plots in doomed areas if they forego the TI sampling. Initially, Brown supported Sayre's argument. Later in the conversation, however, Brown detracted from the argument by noting that investigators can feel reasonably confident that hydrocarbon degraders will be present in soils since they are so ubiquitous in the environment. Brown said that most of the RTDF Subgroup's proposed test sites have fairly weathered soil that likely foster a robust degrader population. Even at recent spill sites, he commented, degraders will likely be present because hydrocarbon degraders are typically present in aerobic environments. Brown stressed that investigators may only need to sample at TI if their purpose is to establish plots that have a high number of a specific type of degrader (i.e., degraders that attack the recalcitrant carcinogenic PAHs.)

Jackson said she thinks it would be best to collect a couple of samples at TI to get a casual look at the microorganism distribution but recommended postponing a more detailed analysis until T0. She asked participants whether the microbial analysis samples should be collected (1) plot by plot (i.e., collect 4 replicates per plot) so that statistical differences can be calculated or (2) as a composite so that investigators can get a general idea of the conditions across the treatment areas.

Brown recommended collecting composite samples for the microbial analysis sample. He said that the variability in the microbe data might be so great that a huge number of samples would be required before any statistical differences could be shown across treatments.

Wolf said that his group plans to do a plot-by-plot analysis. Wolf said previous work indicates that statistically significant 1,000-fold differences can be detected between treatments. Wolf's group plans to perform microbial analyses on multiple replicates during the T0 sampling event. By doing so, they will be able to detect whether different plots supported different numbers of microorganisms before the phytoremedial experiment was initiated. If differences are not detected at T0 but are detected at T3, he noted, his group will have strong evidence indicating that the rhizosphere effect is important.

Conference call participants agreed that microbial analysis samples should be collected at T3. Wolf and Reynolds said that they will collect microbial samples a couple of times before T3 as well. Reynolds noted that his sample collection times will be dictated by the weather rather than specific pre-selected time periods. Because his sites are in Alaska, Reynolds will take care to collect samples when the soil is not frozen.

Oil Extraction Technique

During the May 19, 1998, conference call, the RTDF Subgroup decided that they wanted to use a site-specific oil for their bacterial enumeration analysis. The Subgroup was generally satisfied with an extraction methodology that was provided by Brown, but Reynolds had asked whether significant amounts of highly decomposed organic matter carbon would be extracted along with the hydrocarbons, and if so, how that would effect the enumeration analyses.

During the May 29, 1998, conference call, Brown tried to answer Reynolds question. Brown admitted that he did not have a solid answer but said that he consulted a Micro-Innotech representative and asked him whether extracting native, highly decomposed soil organics along with hydrocarbons could have a significant impact on the enumeration analysis. The representative was unwilling to offer a definite answer but said that he doubted that the impact would be measurable. Brown agreed with the representative's opinion.

Collecting and Handling Microbial Analysis Samples

Brown warned that the quality of outgoing laboratory results hinges upon the quality of incoming samples. He stressed the importance of cooling samples and maintaining field moisture content. Failure to do so, he said, can cause microorganisms to die from stress. Brown said that he allowed some samples to air dry a bit before sending them for analysis. When he received bacterial counts from the laboratory, total heterotroph counts were two orders of magnitude lower than he expected (i.e., 104 per gram rather than 106 or 107). Edwards said that RETEC, Inc.'s SOP is designed to keep samples cool and at their field moisture levels.

Choosing a Laboratory to Perform Microbial Analyses

Owens and other participants said that it is not crucial for all microbial analysis samples to be processed by the same laboratory. Many teams within the RTDF Subgroup may choose to perform the analyses in-house. The Subgroup has identified an oil extraction technique and a protocol for growing and analyzing the microorganisms to help ensure that the individual teams remain consistent with one another. The Subgroup has also identified a laboratory, Micro-Innotech, that can perform the analysis if certain teams prefer to use an outside laboratory.


Sayre asked Edwards whether RETEC, Inc., has a potential test site. Edwards said that Sayre should discuss this with Joe Kreitinger.



The next conference call is scheduled for June 5, 1998, between 12:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. (EST).

Steve Rock's Version


PURPOSE: Determine efficacy of agricultural and non-crop plants for degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil at multiple locations and under varied climatic conditions.

LOCATIONS: Approximately 12 sites in North America.

PLOT SIZE: 20' x 20' minimum


STATISTICAL DESIGN: Randomized complete block. (Place plots based on presence of TPHs in site characterization. For soil and plant samples, take 4 random sample cores per plot and make a composite sample.)

  1. Local optimized treatment: grass, mix of species, including trees

  2. Unplanted control (kept weed-free; in descending order of preference use (1) RoundUp or equivalent post-emergent, (2) hand-picking of weeds, (3) tilling, (4) pre-emergent herbicide).

  3. Mixture of
    • rye 10 to 15% (annual or perennial),
    • legume 20 to 25% (alfalfa, clover, birds-foot trefoil), and
    • fescue 60 to 70% (varieties chosen for local conditions).


Take soil samples in each sampling location at the following times:

T=I: Initial site characterization (samples taken 0 to 6" after tilling)
T=0: Before planting, after seed bed prep (samples taken at 0 to 6" and 6" to 18"')
T=1: 6 months after planting, or end of first growing season (samples taken at 0 to 6" only)
T=2: 18 months after planting, or end of second growing season (samples taken at 0 to 6" only)
T=3: 30 months after planting, or end of third growing season (samples taken at 0 to 6" and 6" to 18")

Use 1" diameter sampler (hand sampling, GEOPROBE or equivalent). Preserve each sample in a clean plastic sample liner.

PLANT SAMPLING: Take plant shoot samples at time 3 (30 months) for hydrocarbon analysis.


Send composite soil samples for analysis of:

  • Agronomic conditions: pH, salinity, available nutrients, soil analysis (texture, organic matter, EC, CEC, soil type.) (The analyses should be tailored to the region)

  • Contaminant concentrations: PAHs using EPA method with GC, TPH

  • Biomarkers (times 0, 1, 2, and 3)

  • Microbial analysis (times 0 and 3)


Evaluate plant characteristics at 6 months, 18 months, and 30 months:
  • Percent cover

  • Shoot height

  • Rooting characteristics (root depth and density)


Conduct seed bed preparation, planting technique, planting rate, and irrigation in site-specific manner to establish good stand growth. Record procedures. Fertilize and lime based on need from initial soil sampling. Record rainfall, irrigation, and average daily temperature (available from local airport) throughout growing season.

Matrix Analysis Purpose
T=I soil PAH, agro determine variability, agronomic amendments
0 soil PAH, TPH, micro, bio establish baseline
1 soil PAH, TPH, agro, bio, plant assessment assess first season results
2 soil PAH, TPH, agro, bio, plant assessment assess second season results
3 soil, plant PAH, TPH, agro, micro, bio, plant assessment assess third season results, to assess plant uptake, if any