3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
January 2, 2002
On Wednesday, January 2, 2002, the following members of the Remediation Technologies
Development Forum's (RTDF's) Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRB) Action Team met
in a conference call:
Bob Puls, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Action Team Co-chair)
Bruce Sass, Battelle
Tim Sivavec, General Electric Corporate Remediation
Stephen White, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Also participating in the call was Danielle Sass from Eastern Research Group,
Inc. (ERG).
The RTDF PRB Action Team plans to initiate a monitoring project to assess PRB
performance. The group is in the process of outlining the project's scope and
identifying funding sources. The Strategic Environmental
Research and Development Program (SERDP), which has been identified as a potential
funding source, recently issued a call for proposals titled Diagnostic Procedures
To Evaluate Remediation Performance at Chlorinated Solvent Contaminated Sites.
Pre-proposals are due on January 10, 2002; the PRB Steering Committee plans
to submit one. Prior to the conference call, Tim Sivavec distributed an outline
for the pre-proposal. Conference call participants discussed the outline, suggested
changes, and identified topics that still need to be addressed. Modifications
and/or additions were recommended for the following areas of the proposal:
- List of sites. Much of the work outlined in the pre-proposal will
take place in the field. The pre-proposal will list five candidate sites,
and will indicate that field work is to be conducted at two or three of them.
(The number chosen will depend on the availability of funding.) Call participants
identified the following as candidate sites: the Alameda site, the Elizabeth
City site, Denver Federal Center, the Somersworth Sanitary Landfill, and Seneca
Army Depot.
- List of monitoring tools. Call participants agreed that the RTDF
project should focus on geochemical parameters and ground-water flow and directional
probes. Efforts will be made to identify more effective ways of deploying
available tools. In-well chlorinated solvent sensors and new in-well sensors
will not be included in the study. Bob Puls suggested studying hydrogen sensors,
noting that an innovative device is currently under development. He agreed
to learn more about this sensor and to incorporate information about it into
the pre-proposal. Bruce Sass agreed to work with Battelle's Neeraj Gupta to
write text that describes ground-water flow and directional probes. Sivavec
will write text that describes diffusion samplers.
- Schematic. Sivavec will create a figure that shows the different
components of the project, the key team members, and the deliverables and
benefits expected.
- Timeline. Call participants decided that a two-year time period
is needed to execute the proposed project. Sivavec suggested identifying the
major tasks that will be accomplished and marking them on a timeline.
- Cost table. Call participants agreed that a preliminary cost estimate
should be included in the pre-proposal. Puls thought that at least $100,000
would be needed to obtain equipment. Bruce Sass agreed to research the costs
associated with specific monitoring devices. Sass will also talk to Chuck
Reeter to find out whether cost sharing would be an option if the RTDF performed
work at Department of Defense (DOD) sites.
- Appendix listing qualifications of key personnel. Sivavec said that the pre-proposal should
include information on each team member's area of expertise and experience. He agreed to write
up his own qualifications and to distribute this write-up as a template. Puls will be listed as the
technical project leader; he will find out what level of background résumé information must be provided for this position.
- Attachments. Three pages of attachments can be included in the pre-proposal. Sivavec and Sass will prepare information for the attachments.
- List of the project team. Sivavec suggested listing "multiple DOD partners" under the list of project team members. He also suggested including logos for the agencies and organizations that will be involved. He agreed to send General Electric's logo to Puls.
Puls agreed to complete the pre-proposal and to submit it to SERDP. Sivavec and Sass will send information and materials for the proposal by January 4, 2002.
Puls will contact Liyuan Liang to determine whether Oak Ridge National Laboratory is still interested in participating in the RTDF's monitoring project.