A Decision-Making Framework for Cleanup of Sites Impacted with Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (LNAPL) A Decision-Making Framework for cleanup of sites impacted with light, non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL) has been prepared by the Remediation Technologies Development Forum (RTDF) NAPL Cleanup Alliance to provide a guide to practicable and reasonable approaches for management of LNAPL petroleum hydrocarbons in the subsurface. This unique document describes an innovative consensus-based process to develop a long-term vision for a particular site (e.g., an industrial site for the next 100 years with groundwater standards attained in 125 years), while providing a roadmap that calls for specific goals and endpoints to measure progress during each phase of the LNAPL management project. The major benefit of this innovative approach is the establishment of a practicable vision that is consistent with regulatory requirements and can be attained within a realistic timeframe and a reasonable budget, using a phased, stepwise process. The consensus-based process is designed to support the stakeholder group in developing a common, site-specific understanding of what “realistic timeframes” and “reasonable budgets” will mean for any particular site.
Cost and Performance Reports
Cleanup Project Updates
NAPL Cleanup Alliance Progress Reports