July 14, 2003
1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.

On July 14, 2003, the following members of the Remediation Technologies Development Forum's (RTDF's) Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) Cleanup Alliance met in a conference call:

Christine Lehnertz, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 8 (Alliance Co-chair)
Mark Adamski, BP America, Inc.
Jerry Breed, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
Harley Hopkins, American Petroleum Institute (API)
Dawn Kaback, Concurrent Technologies Corporation
Brian Smith, TriHydro Corporation
Ali Tavelli, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
Sue Westbrook, U.S. EPA, Region 6
Dick Woodward, Sierra Environmental Services, Inc.
David Zabcik, Shell Oil Products US Company & Motiva Enterprises

Also present were Carolyn Perroni of Environmental Management Support, Inc., and Christine Hartnett of ERG.


The NAPL Cleanup Alliance met in Dallas, Texas, in May 2003. During that meeting, several action items were identified. This conference call was held to obtain a status report on the action items.


The NAPL Management Decision Framework (NMDF) Document

Alliance members will send Dawn Kaback comments on the NMDF document by May 30, 2003. Kaback has received comments from some Alliance members.
Ali Tavelli will send Kaback information that can be included in Appendix A of the NMDF document. This action item was completed on July 11, 2003.
Kaback will distribute a list of EPA references that will be included in the NMDF document. Alliance members will review the list and let Kaback know of any citations that should be added. This action item has not been completed yet.
Jim Higinbotham and Harley Hopkins will compare the NMDF flowchart with the one created for API's E-manual toolkit. They will look for ways to harmonize the API flowchart with the NMDF flowchart. If they have any changes to recommend for the NMDF flowchart, they will submit their suggestions by May 30, 2003.
  • On July 3, 2003, Kaback distributed a revised version of the NMDF flowchart. (This version attempts to incorporate elements of the API flowchart.)
  • On July 14, John Meyers distributed comments on Kaback's revised flowchart.
  • Alliance members agreed that a conference call should be held on July 16 or July 17 to discuss Meyers' comments in more detail. Carolyn Perroni agreed to identify a time that is suitable for everyone and to distribute information about the call's date, time, phone number, and access code.
Kaback will revise the NMDF document based on the comments she receives from Alliance members and redistribute the document by July 1, 2003. Kaback will distribute the revised NMDF document during the week of July 21, 2003.
Kathy Yager will send Alliance members a list of EPA representatives who should review the NMDF document. Perroni will make sure that the state regulators who participate in the Alliance Training Workgroup are added to Yager's list. Perroni will prepare a letter that describes the Alliance's mission, projects, and products. Jeff Heimerman will send the NMDF document out to EPA reviewers with Perroni's cover letter attached. Tavelli is willing to distribute the NMDF document to state regulators.
  • Some Alliance members received Yager's list of potential reviewers, but others did not. Tavelli, who has the list, agreed to e-mail it to the Alliance core members.
  • Perroni said that Heimerman has been alerted that the NMDF document will be ready for distribution in July 2003. He is prepared to send the document to EPA reviewers.
  • Tavelli is willing to send the NMDF document out to state regulators. Perroni will make sure Tavelli has a list of all the state regulators who participate in the Alliance Training Workgroup. Perroni recommended asking state regulators who participate in the Ground Water Forum to review the NMDF document as well. Tavelli thought this was a great idea. Perroni agreed to send a list of the Ground Water Forum participants to Tavelli. Perroni will also send Tavelli a copy of the introductory letter that she is preparing for Heimerman.
Soon after the NMDF is sent to reviewers, the Alliance will hold a conference call to explain why the document has been written and describe the history of the Alliance's effort. Some attendees discussed conducting an Internet seminar, using EPA's CLU-IN site, to present the NMDF to EPA and state reviewers. 
  • Call participants agreed that it would be useful to develop an Internet seminar for reviewers. Perroni said that she would contact the appropriate people at EPA's Technology Innovation Office to set up the seminar.
  • Call participants discussed the seminar's content. They agreed that the presentation that Kaback delivered at the Alliance's May 2003 meeting could be used as a starting point. In addition, they said, background information should be provided on why the NMDF document has been written. They also agreed that information should be provided about other Alliance products in development.
Attendees expressed interest in presenting information about the NMDF document at the 2003 RCRA National meeting that is scheduled to take place in Washington, D.C., on August 12-15, 2003. Several concurrent sessions will take place during the meeting, and Yager thought that Alliance members could probably reserve a slot for a half-day session if they so desired. Yager will ask Karen Tomimatsu whether this is possible and report her findings to Alliance members. Perroni said that it will not be possible to reserve a half-day session slot. Thus, the Alliance leadership has agreed not to hold a full Alliance meeting during the RCRA meeting. As an alternative, Mark Lyverse is making an effort to reserve a 1½-hour slot on the agenda. If this slot can be secured, Hopkins will use it to present information about the NMDF document, the Alliance's goals and activities, the Alliance's training modules, and the Alliance's involvement at the Casper Refinery site. Hopkins will use the PowerPoint presentation that Kaback delivered at the Alliance's May 2003 meeting as a starting point. Christine Lehnertz and Brian Smith will help Hopkins develop the presentation.

The Alliance's Training Modules

Vic Kremesec agreed to send the most recent version of the Module 1 training package to the entire Alliance for review. Alliance members will be given about 2 weeks to comment on the module. Once the Alliance is comfortable with the training program, it will be sent to a broader list of reviewers. Call participants indicated that they have received the Module 1 training package and that they have been instructed to provide comments by July 31, 2003.
Tavelli will prepare and distribute a revised version of the Module 2 outline before the next Alliance meeting. Tavelli said that she will complete and distribute the Module 2 outline by August 1, 2003. (Before distributing this version, she will send Chet Clarke a rough draft to obtain his feedback.)

Miscellaneous Action Items

Alliance members will visit Groundwater Central© (, explore its features, and provide feedback on its utility. Kaback will collect the comments and send them to Yager. Kaback will find out whether the sites that Groundwater Central© links to are linking back to the Groundwater Central© page. Kaback has not received feedback yet.
Jeff Hostetler will send out blank data profile sheets to Alliance members. (The forms ask for information on LNAPL cleanup projects.) Alliance members agreed to help fill out the forms and/or name contacts who might be able to provide relevant information. Hostetler has distributed the profile sheets and has been communicating with Alliance members about filling them out.
Perroni will send Alliance members an updated list of the Alliance's e-mail notification list. This action item has been completed.
Yager and Kaback will call Lehnertz and Randy Breeden to let them know about the major decisions that were made during the Alliance meeting. This action item has been completed.


Many Alliance members plan to attend the API/National Ground Water Association (NGWA) meeting that is being held in Costa Mesa, California, between August 19 and 22, 2003. Because so many people are planning to attend, Perroni said, the Alliance co-chairs have proposed holding a 1-day Alliance meeting in Costa Mesa on August 18, 2003. She asked call participants to comment on this idea. After some debate, call participants decided that it would be better to meet in September 2003, preferably during the week of September 8. (Perroni said that she would communicate with Alliance members to identify a suitable date and location.) But call participants agreed that, since so many Alliance members will already be gathered in Costa Mesa for the API/NGWA conference, it would be beneficial to hold an informal meeting session in Costa Mesa on the afternoon of August 18. Those who are not present can participate via conference call.