March 30, 2004
1:30 p.m to 3:00 p.m.

On March 30, 2004, the following members of the Remediation Technologies Development Forum's Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) Cleanup Alliance met in a conference call:

Bob Maxey, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Alliance Co-Chair
Tom Aalto, EPA
Harley Hopkins, American Petroleum Institute
Jeff Hostetler, TriHydro Corporation
John Meyers, The Retec Group, Inc.
Ellen Rubin, EPA
Manny Saenz, Naval Facilities Environmental Services Center (NFESC)
Brian Smith, TriHydro Corporation
Ali Tavelli, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
Kathy Yager, EPA
David Zabcik, Shell Oil Products US Company and Motiva Enterprises

Also participating in the call were Carolyn Perroni of Environmental Management Support, Inc., and Christine Hartnett of ERG.


The NAPL Cleanup Alliance is developing a series of training modules that describe the technical aspects of NAPL distribution and mobility, correct common misperceptions about NAPL, and explore NAPL management issues. Module 1 (The Basics) and Module 2 (NAPL Management) of the training program were discussed during this conference call.

Module 1

As requested, EMS has been making changes to the Module 1 training package, an effort that has involved revising slide content, adding animation, and redoing the audio portion of the presentation. Carolyn Perroni said that the revision will be completed by April 5, 2004, and will be ready for review at that time.

Call participants agreed that the Module 1 package should be reviewed by a broad set of EPA representatives and state regulators. Prior to the conference call, Perroni distributed a list of potential reviewers and an email message that she proposed to distribute along with the package. The email message explains what the Alliance hopes to accomplish with the training, establishes a deadline for comments, and indicates that an Internet seminar will be scheduled to provide more information about the training program. Perroni asked for feedback on the list of reviewers and the email message. Call participants recommended the following:

Perroni said that the revised version of Module 1 would be ready for distribution on April 5, 2004, at which time it would be sent to Maxey and Tavelli, who in turn, agreed to send it to EPA representatives and state regulators.

Call participants also engaged in a discussion about an Internet seminar. They agreed that the seminar should be designed to familiarize the reviewers with Module 1, explain why it has been developed, and highlight five or six areas that require particular attention during the review process. During the seminar, reviewers will also be given a chance to ask questions. Call participants agreed that four or five of the Alliance Core Team members should participate in the seminar and that each should be assigned to a specific topical area. Using such an approach, it was agreed, will help streamline the question-and-answer process. If the reviewers ask detailed technical questions, Maxey advised, they should be encouraged to discuss their concerns in more detail with Core Team members off line. Yager, Tavelli, John Meyers, and Harley Hopkins offered to participate in the Internet seminar. Perroni said that Vic Kremesec should also be included, and she offered to contact him to find out when he is available to participate in an Internet seminar. Dates that were proposed as possibilities included April 15, April 22, and April 27.

Module 2

Tavelli, who indicated that she is ready to start pushing forth with the development of Module 2, asked Hopkins to assist with this effort. Hopkins said that he would be happy to do so. Toward this end, he agreed to set up a conference call for the Module 2 Development Workgroup, a group that currently consists of him, Tavelli, Lyverse, Zabcik, and Kremesec. Hopkins encouraged anyone else who is interested in participating in the Workgroup to contact him directly.

Delivering the Training Program

As the training modules are finalized, Perroni said, they will be made available on the Internet and as a CD-ROM. In addition, the training will be delivered live in several locations. Call participants discussed presenting the training to a group of Maryland regulators in the near future. (This idea is discussed in more detail below under the "Next Meeting" section.) In addition, call participants talked about presenting the training at the following forums:


Maxey inquired about the status of the Alliance's NMDF document. Perroni said that she believed the document was in its final stages, but she agreed to contact Dawn Kaback to obtain a status report. Maxey noted that the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) is working on a product that is similar to the Alliance's NMDF document.


Tavelli said that the State of Maryland has asked Mark Lyverse to present Module 1 of the Alliance's training program to regulators in Baltimore. Call participants agreed that this invitation should be accepted. Tavelli said that she would ask Lyverse to accept the invitation and to propose the following as possible presentation dates: May 3, May 7, or June 4 (with preference placed on the latter). Call participants thought that it made sense to hold the next Alliance meeting in conjunction with the live delivery of the NAPL training program. Thus, ERG will start exploring the possibility of holding a full Alliance meeting in Baltimore during these proposed dates. If the June time frame is chosen, call participants agreed, it might be possible to line up some vendors to present information at the meeting. Jeff Hostetler said that he and Brian Smith have some suggestions about which vendors to invite to the meeting. He agreed to send a list of potential vendors to Perroni, along with a list of guidelines that the vendors should be asked to meet when preparing their presentations.