The links listed here are related to the cleanup of hydrocarbon
contamination. Information provided through these links does not necessarily
reflect the views of the U.S. EPA or the Remediation Technologies Development
Forum (RTDF), and no official endorsement should be inferred. Mention of firms,
trade names, or commercial products on these links does not constitute
endorsement or recommendation of use.
- 2005 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) National Corrective Action Conference
The annual Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) National Corrective Action Conference, sponsored by EPA, brings together stakeholders involved with RCRA cleanups and provides a forum for open and frank discussion about corrective action issues and an exchange of information and experiences in implementing the corrective action process. The 2005 National Corrective Action Conference, hosted by EPA Region 8 in Denver, included a session called "Addressing Light Nonaqueous Phase Liquids and Petroleum Refinery Issues" and featured speakers from federal and state agencies and the private sector. To access the presentations delivered as part of this panel, click on the title above. When you reach the conference agenda, scroll down to Session 7 and click on the PowerPoint presentation(s) you wish to view or download.
- American Petroleum Institute
API is the major national trade association representing the
entire petroleum industry. API speaks for the petroleum industry before
Congress, state legislatures, the executive branch of government, and the news
media. It negotiates with regulatory agencies, participates in coalitions that
help shape public policy on issues affecting the industry, and strives to
enhance credibility on the environmental, health and safety issues that are
central to the public's perception of the industry and its products.
- Environmental Security
Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), U.S. Dept. of
ESTCP's goal is to demonstrate and validate promising,
innovative technologies that target the Department of Defense's most
environmental needs. These technologies provide a return on the investment
through cost savings and improved efficiency.
- Ground-Water Remediation
Technologies Analysis Center (GWRTAC)
Collects, analyzes, and
prepares reports on in situ groundwater remediation technologies.
- Guadalupe Oil Field
Dunes Restoration and Preservation Project, UNOCAL Central Coast
The project goal is to clean up areas of surface and
subsurface contamination in the 2,700-acre oil field while protecting the
fragile coastal dune habitats of several sensitive plant and animal species.
The project involves testing and use of various innovative environmental
remediation technologies.
- The Hazardous Waste Cleanup
Web Site (CLU-IN)
CLU-IN provides information about innovative
treatment technologies to the hazardous waste remediation community. It
describes programs, organizations, publications and other tools. The site is
managed by EPA's Technology Innovation Program and is intended as a forum for
all waste remediation stakeholders.
- Implementing Monitored Natural Attenuation and Expediting Closure at Fuel-Release Sites
This technical guidance document provides site remediation managers, technical support staff, and the regulatory community with information on how to 1) assess natural attenuation processes and 2) incorporate the results of this assessment into remedy planning and implementation efforts. This document serves as an addendum to the Technical Protocol for Implementing Intrinsic Remediation with Long-Term Monitoring for Natural Attenuation of Fuel Contamination Dissolved in Groundwater, published by the U.S. Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (AFCEE) in 1995. This addendum serves to complement the original protocol by providing expanded guidance on developing and implementing expedited closure plans and formal exit strategies for fuel-release sites.
- Light Nonaqueous-Phase Liquid Weathering at Various Fuel Release Sites, 2003 Update
This update report presents the results or work completed to evaluate additional analytical data collected to augment the original fuels weathering study performed for the U.S. Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (AFCEE). The original report, "Light Nonaqueous-Phase Liquid (LNAPL) Weathering at Various Fuel Release Sites" was completed September 1999. The existing data set from the original fuels weathering study was augmented with newly collected data from several additional sites. The expanded data set was used to from a more robust database for estimating fuel LNAPL weathering rates. Both the original study and this update focus primarily on the weathering or natural depletion or BTEX components from free-phase product.
- Models for Design of Free-Product Recovery Systems for Petroleum Hydrocarbon Liquids (Spreadsheets, User’s Guide and Model Documentation)
This document addresses the application of proven technologies for recovering free-product petroleum releases to groundwater. The manuscript documents new spreadsheet models for design and analysis of liquid free-product recovery systems using single and dual-pump wells, vacuum-enhanced wells, skimmer wells, and trenches. The principles that govern the distribution and movement of free-product petroleum hydrocarbons near the water table in an unconfined groundwater aquifer are reviewed. Models for predicting free-product recovery system performance are presented. Four spreadsheet models included with the download are described, and example applications are presented and discussed.
- Naval Facilities
Engineering Service Center
Provides solutions to problems through
engineering, design, construction, consultation, test and evaluation,
technology implementation, and management support. The NFESC leverages
technology to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of customers. The NFESC
performs research and development when required to meet Navy and Marine Corps
- Procedures for Conducting Bioventing Pilot Tests and Long-Term Monitoring of Bioventing Systems
This document, produced by the U.S. Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (AFCEE) in 2004, provides a summary of soil bioventing procedures with an emphasis on pilot testing and the long-term monitoring of full-scale bioventing systems. The document is intended for use by engineers and scientists who are responsible for planning or conducting soil remediation projects using in situ bioventing methods. The document is an updated version of earlier AFCEE bioventing protocols.
- Technology Demonstration of Sensor Applications to Direct Push Platforms and Monitoring and Operations
This report documents a demonstration of an uphole HaloProbe system for water sample analysis of halogenated compounds by Dakota Technologies, Inc. (DTI) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Kansas City District's Site Characterization and Analysis Penetrometer System (SCAPS) crew. In February 2004, the Kansas City District (KCD) and the U.S. Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (AFCEE) coordinated the mobilization of equipment and personnel to Grissom Air Reserve Base (ARB) near Peru, IN, and Rickenbacker International Airport (IAP), Columbus, OH. Both sites are former Air Force bases. These sites provided excellent opportunities to test the uphole HaloProbe system and provide beneficial subsurface information to the Air Force Real Property Agency. The work occurred over five days. A total of 12 well points were installed at Grissom and nine well points at Rickenbacker. Water level and HaloProbe measurements were recorded for each well.
- U.S. EPA Superfund
Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program
Under the EPA's Site
program engineering, performance, and cost data is collected to aid in future
decision-making for hazardous waste site remediation. The information is
published in the Technology Profiles document, which provides information on
216 demonstration, emerging and characterization and monitoring technologies
being evaluated under the SITE program.

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