September 11, 1997
A draft report has been written that documents the affects of phosphorus in lab-treated soils from the Joplin field research site on soil-Pb bioavailability, as determined using the swine model. Several are working to finalize it.
Sally Brown reported on the status of the studies examining the changes in soil-Pb bioavailability in lab-treated soils from the Joplin field research site using a rat model.
Joplin field site
Plant and soil samples were to be collected from all the plots at the Joplin field research site during the week of September 15. Plant samples will analyzed for total elements, including Pb, Cd, and Zn. Soils will be extracted using the PBET to determine Pb-bioaccessibility. An animal (rat) model will be used to determine Pb-bioavailability in the soils.
A group of researchers from Belgium are interested in trying several of their treatments at the Joplin field research site, including berengite (a modified aluminosilicate that is a by-product of coal combustion from a former mine in Berengen, Belgium) and steel shot.
There is a need to determine the number of usable plots still available at the Joplin field research site.
Gary Pierzynski outline lab and greenhouse experiments he has planned for soil from the Joplin field research site.
RTDF Action Teams Meeting
A meeting of all the RTDF action teams is planned for Oct. 15-16, 1997. By now, everyone should have received a letter and a meeting agenda. IINERT has a room reserved for Tuesday Oct. 14 for those of you who are planning to attend.
Other sites
Dr. A. K. (Gus) Lo has indicated the possibility of establishing another field research site at the U.S. Army Camp Stanley outside of San Antonio, TX. The site is a couple of acres in size. Lead contamination, which averages around 1300 mg Pb/kg and as high as 2.3%, is a result of Pb shot.
Bioavailability matrix
We are looking for others to fill-in the soil bioavailability matrix constructed by Mark Maddaloni and completed for the human adult model with which he works. It was suggested that Mark contact Stan Casteel to see how he is coming with completing the matrix for the swine model. Sally Brown was asked to contact her collaborators to help complete the matrix for the rat model. We are looking for suggestions of other models to complete the matrix (primate, PBET?, rabbit, etc.) and people to contact for help.
Soil questionaire
Bill Berti received from Jim Ryan a draft of the questionaire to solicit soils and sites with contamination concerns and plans to have a copy sent to members before the next conference call for their comments and suggestions.
RTDF Update
An RTDF IINERT Update has been prepared for release at the October meeting. A picture of work at the site will accompany the update. Please comment on the text by Friday Sept. 26 to Carolyn Perroni (301-589-5318).
Next conference call . . .