Progress Report
Quarter 2002
The Permeable Reactive Barriers Action Team is one of the six active
Action Teams under the Remediation Technologies Development Forum (RTDF). The
Permeable Reactive Barriers Action Team includes representatives from industry,
government, and academia who share an interest in accelerating the development
of cost-effective permeable barrier technologies.
This report documents progress of the Permeable Reactive Barriers Action
Team during the first quarter of 2002.
- The Team outlined the scope of work for a two-year monitoring project
to assess PRB performance and began identifying potential funding sources.
Candidate sites for the proposed project would include Alameda Point, the U.S.
Coast Guard Support Center in Elizabeth City, Denver Federal Center, the
Somersworth Sanitary Landfill, and Seneca Army Depot. The number of sites
chosen for the project will depend on available funding.
- A three-year, collaborative, long-term performance study conducted by
the U.S. EPA, Department of Defense, and Department of Energy is nearing
completion. Team members are developing a document that summarizes the
activities of the three agencies, which may be issued as a tri-agency document.
EPA is finalizing a second document on the study that is expected to be
published in the Spring of 2002.
- Team members began investigating sources of support for development
of a new state-of-the-science report on PRBs. If funded, the report would be
prepared and issued in 2002.
- The next Team Steering Committee conference call is scheduled for
April 3. The next Team meeting is expected to be held in October 2002 and will
cover long-term performance, monitoring, site design, and cleanup efficacy.