Title: | Feasibility Memorandum for Groundwater Remediation Alternative Using Zero-Valent Iron Reactive Wall at the Ash Landfill, Seneca Army Depot Activity, Romulus, New York |
Author(s): | Parsons Engineering Science, Inc. |
Citation: | Ash Landfill, Seneca Army Depot Activity, Romulus, New York, August 2000 |
Abstract: | Abstract currently unavailable. |
Title: | Case Study of a TCE Plume in a Shallow Unconfined Aquifer: Ash Landfill, Seneca Army Depot Activity, Finger Lakes Region, New York |
Author(s): | Duchesneau and Feshbach-Meriney |
Citation: | Proceedings of the International Environmental Technology Expo 1999 |
Abstract: | Abstract currently unavailable. |