3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
September 18, 2002
On Wednesday, September 18, 2002, the following members of the Remediation
Technologies Development Forum's (RTDF's) Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRB)
Action Team met in a conference call:
Bob Puls, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Action Team Co-chair)
John Vidumsky, DuPont (Action Team Co-chair)
Bruce Sass, Battelle
Tim Sivavec, General Electric Corporate Remediation
Matt Turner, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Also participating in the call was Christine Hartnett from Eastern Research
Group, Inc. (ERG).
The next PRB Action Team meeting will be held in conjunction with the Interstate Technology and
Regulatory Cooperation (ITRC) conference that is scheduled to take place in November 2002 at the
Capital Hilton in Washington, D.C. The PRB Action Team meeting will consist of three components:
- Steering Committee meeting. A small meeting room has been reserved for PRB Steering
Committee members for the evening of November 5, 2002. During this meeting, participants will
discuss the PRB Action Team's future goals and talk about recruiting additional Steering
Committee members.
- Plenary sessions. The RTDF Action Team meeting will be held on November 6 and 7. The
meeting will consist of four sessions: (1) PRBs and cleanup efficacy, (2) long-term performance,
(3) site design, and (4) monitoring. The following people are planning these sessions: Bob Puls,
Bruce Sass, John Vidumsky, and Tim Sivavec.
- Poster session. A poster session will be held on the evening of November 6, 2002. Space is
limited; room is only available for about 12 posters. Puls and Vidumsky will determine who
receives these poster slots. Anyone interested in presenting a poster should submit an abstract to
Puls and Vidumsky. Puls said that a meeting invitation has already been distributed, along with a
request for poster abstracts. He asked ERG to resend this request before the end of September.
Sass recommended asking some of the poster presenters to come to the meeting prepared to give
a presentation. This would serve as a good backup, he said, if a plenary speaker cancels at the
last moment.
- Call participants expressed interest in exploring a variety of advertising avenues to distribute
information about the upcoming PRB Action Team meeting. They asked ERG to contact Richard
Steimle to find out whether meeting notifications can be posted on the Technology Innovation
Office (TIO) Web site or distributed via TIO's mailing list. ERG will follow up on this action
item. Puls agreed to ask EPA's Office of Research and Development to post information about
the meeting as well.
- Puls asked for input on the topics that should be covered during the November 5 Steering
Committee meeting. He also asked whether additional people (from outside the Steering
Committee) should be invited to attend. Call participants agreed to send suggestions to Puls and
- By September 25, 2002, the PRB Action Team meeting planners (Puls, Sass, Vidumsky, and
Sivavec) will send ERG ( a list of speakers, presentation titles, and
sequencing information. ERG will use this information to create the meeting agenda. Once
compiled, the agenda will be distributed to the PRB Action Team.
- Call participants expressed interest in distributing a booklet that contains each speaker's abstract
and PowerPoint slides. Meeting session planners will ask speakers to submit these materials to
ERG ( by October 23, 2002.
- Matt Turner will contact the leaders of ITRC's Dense Non-aqueous Phase Liquids Work Group
and Diffusion Sampler Work Group to inform them of PRB Action Team meeting topics. Some
of the presentations, Turner said, will probably attract the interest of these Work Groups.
- Before the end of September, ERG will remind PRB Action Team members to submit abstracts
to Puls and Vidumsky if they are interested in presenting posters.