2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
August 10, 2004
On Tuesday, August 10, 2004, the following members of the Remediation Technologies
Development Forum’s Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRB) Action Team’s
Steering Committee met in a conference call:
Bob Puls, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Action Team Co-chair)
John Vidumsky, DuPont (Action Team Co-chair)
Tom Krug, GeoSyntec
Chuck Reeter, U.S. Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center
Michelle Thomson, URS Corporation
Also participating in the call was Christine Hartnett from ERG.
Call participants agreed to hold the next PRB Action Team meeting in conjunction
with the Interstate Regulatory Technology Council (ITRC) conference that is
scheduled to take place in Albuquerque, New Mexico, during the last week of
October 2004. They agreed that the PRB Action Team meeting should be 1 to 1½ days
in length and they proposed holding it on October 26 (starting at noon) and
October 27 (possibly lasting all day). In addition, call participants suggested
holding a brief PRB Steering Committee meeting on the morning of October 26,
2004. (The dates and times are all tentative at this point, but they will be
finalized as soon as possible.)
Call participants also talked about the meeting agenda and identified the
following as topical areas:
- Zero-valent iron (ZVI) source treatment/nano-iron applications.
John Vidumsky advised exploring these topics during the meeting, noting that
the RTDF PRB Action Team recently broadened its mission to encompass them.
He agreed to take responsibility for finding speakers for this session.
- Alternative reactive media. Bob Puls advised presenting information
about remediation projects that combine iron treatment with bioremediation.
Tom Krug advised including a paper that discusses a biomulch treatment
wall. Michelle Thomson recommended soliciting papers on alternative metals
(i.e., not iron) that have been used in barrier walls. Krug agreed to chair
this session and to take responsibility for finding speakers.
- Other field or laboratory studies. Call participants agreed that this
session would serve as a “catch-all” for papers that do not fit
into the previous two sessions. For example, during this session, information
could be provided about: (1) innovative delivery systems that have been deployed
in the field, (2) DuPont’s column studies, and (3) recent sampling
efforts at the Moffett Field site. Call participants noted that Bob Gillham
would be a good chairperson for this session.
Given that the meeting is only about 10 weeks away, Puls advised using an
aggressive two-pronged approach to solicit speakers: (1) contact potential
speakers directly, and (2) include a solicitation for papers in the meeting
Call participants identified the following action items:
- ERG will contact Matt Turner to ask for a contact name at ITRC.
Once a name is provided, ERG will work with that person to reserve meeting
space and sleeping rooms for the PRB Action Team meeting.
- Puls will ask Bob Gillham to chair the “Other Field or Laboratory
Studies” session of the meeting.
- The meeting session chairs (Vidumsky, Krug, and hopefully Gillham)
will start identifying speakers for the meeting.
- ERG will send past meeting invitations to Puls, who will use them
as examples to develop a new invitation for the October 2004 meeting. Puls
agreed to send a draft version of the invitation to the PRB Steering Committee
for review.
- Chuck Reeter will obtain an attendee list from a recent Battelle
conference and forward it to ERG.
- Once the invitation has been completed, ERG will distribute it
to the entire RTDF PRB Action Team mailing list. In addition, ERG will send
the invitation to those who attended the Battelle conference (mentioned in
the previous bullet). ERG will also make arrangements to have the meeting
advertised on TechDirect.
- ERG will set up the next PRB Steering Committee conference call
for August 24, 2004, between 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time
(EDT). Puls said that he hopes the meeting invitations will be sent out prior
to the call. If not, the invitation will be finalized during the call so
that it can be distributed shortly thereafter.