10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
October 13,
On Friday, October 13, 2000, the following members of the Remediation
Technologies Development Forums (RTDFs) Permeable Reactive Barriers
(PRB) Action Team Steering Committee met in a conference call:
Bob Puls, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Action Team
John Vidumsky, DuPont (Action Team Co-chair)
Nic Korte, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Liyuan Liang, ORNL
Scott Warner,
Geomatrix Consultants, Inc.
Stephen White, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Dennis How (filling in for Chuck Reeter) and Christine Hartnett of Eastern
Research Group, Inc. (ERG), also participated in the conference call.
Bob Puls asked whether Steering Committee members wanted to hold a PRB
Action Team meeting in 2001. Call participants responded affirmatively, and
said it would be preferable to hold the meeting in conjunction with another
conference. Steering Committee members identified three meetings that might be
appropriate partners for the 2001 PRB Action Team meeting:
- The April 2001 American Chemical Society (ACS) meeting. Scott
Warner and John Vidumsky said that ACS has scheduled a meeting in San Diego,
California, on April 1 through 5, 2001. (Information about the meeting can be
found at Vidumsky said that the
agenda for the ACS meeting has not been drafted yet, but a preliminary brochure
indicates that a variety of technologies will be discussed. In fact, he said, a
session on PRBs is being offered. This statement prompted Puls to ask if there
would be redundancy if the PRB Action Team met in conjunction with the ACS
meeting. Call participants did not think this would be a problem, noting that
the Action Team could focus on themes that are not being discussed at ACS and
use a roundtable discussion format to give its own meeting a unique flavor.
Conference call participants agreed that more information should be collected
about the ACS meeting. Toward this end, Warner agreed to call the ACS meeting
coordinator (Sue Henry) to find out whether she is amenable to having the PRB
Action Team hold their meeting during the same week. Also, How will research
field trip opportunities in the San Diego area.
- The June 2001 International Containment meeting. Liyuan Liang
said that many European representatives will be attending the International
Containment meeting that is scheduled to take place in Florida in June 2001.
She agreed to gather additional information about the meeting and to ask Skip
Chamberlain, one of the meetings organizers, whether he objected to
holding an Action Team meeting in conjunction with the international
- The 2001 RTDF Bioremediation Consortium meeting. Puls noted
that the PRB Action Team had expressed interest in meeting with the RTDFs
Bioremediation Consortium. Puls said that it might be possible to pursue a
joint meeting; he agreed to talk to Walter Kovalick about this idea.
Saying that PRB Action Team meetings typically focus on a couple of
themes, Puls asked Steering Committee members to brainstorm on themes for the
next meeting. The following topics were offered as suggestions: (1) design
issues, (2) long-term performance, (3) developments in basic research, and (4)
progress being made with reactive materials other than zero-valent iron.
Puls asked call participants for suggestions on future Action Team
activities. Two activities were suggested:
- Update an RTDF document. In September 1998, the PRB Action
Team released a document entitled Permeable Reactive Barrier Technologies
For Contaminant Remediation. Warner suggested updating this document.
Steering Committee members agreed that this was a good idea. Puls said that it
would be useful to incorporate new information on costs and long-term
performance. Warner suggested adding information about activities overseas,
noting that including such information might help to expand the documents
readership. Warners suggestion prompted Steering Committee members to
discuss current activities in Europe. Puls said that much interest in PRB
technology has been expressed in Germany and Denmark. For example, he said, in
Germany, about $10 million has been allocated to evaluate PRBs at 10 different
field sites over a three-year period. Liang noted that several European groups
(e.g., the Environmental Treatment Zone Team) have formed to promote the
use of barrier technologies. Puls said that volunteers will need to be
identified to lead the effort to update the RTDF report. In addition, an
outline will need to be generated. He asked Steering Committee members to think
about the outline and send suggested topics to him or Vidumsky.
- Update case studies. Puls said that he would talk to Carolyn
Perroni about identifying additional case studies for inclusion on the PRB
Action Teams Web page. He said that it would be useful to incorporate
information on projects that are ongoing in Europe.
- How and Warner agreed to investigate the possibility of holding a PRB
Action Team meeting in conjunction with the April 2001 ACS meeting. Warner will
call the ACS meeting coordinator (Sue Henry) to find out whether she is
amenable to the idea. How will research field trip opportunities in the San
Diego area. How and Warner will e-mail their findings to the Steering
- Liang agreed to investigate the possibility of holding a PRB Action
Team meeting in conjunction with the June 2001 International Containment
meeting. She will talk to one of the meetings organizers (Skip
Chamberlain) to determine whether he is amenable to the idea.
- Puls agreed to talk to Kovalick about the possibility of holding a
PRB Action Team meeting in conjunction with the 2001 Bioremediation Consortium
- Call participants agreed that the Action Teams September 1998
overview document should be updated. Puls asked all Steering Committee members
to think about this proposal. Steering Committee members should also let Puls
( or Vidumsky ( know
if they are interested in contributing to the document and what topics they
propose writing about.
- Puls agreed to talk to Perroni about identifying additional case
studies for inclusion on the PRB Action Teams Web page.
- ERG agreed to set up the next conference call for October 31, 2000,
between 11:30 and 1:00 Eastern Standard Time.