3:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
August 23, 1999

On Monday, August 23, 1999, the following members of the Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRB) Action Team Steering Committee met in a conference call:

John Vidumsky (co-chair), DuPont
Bob Gillham, University of Waterloo
Nic Korte, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Liyuan Liang, ORNL
Stan Morrison, Roy F. Weston, Inc.
Stephen White, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Also present were Bob Edwards of Texas A&M University and Christine Hartnett of Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG).


Conference call participants agreed that the next PRB Action Team meeting should be held in February 2000 and should consist of a day and a half of presentations and a half-day field trip. It was agreed that the meeting should be held in Melbourne, Florida—a city located close to the Orlando airport and the Cape Canaveral Air Station (CCAS). Bob Edwards said that Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (AFCEE) representatives have agreed to let the PRB Action Team members tour CCAS' PRB walls. He said that Action Team members will be allowed to visit at least two walls, one of which is currently in the installation phase. Edwards agreed to obtain more details about the walls.

Edwards also said that those who plan to visit CCAS must submit their names and social security numbers at least 3 to 6 weeks before the field trip. That way, Edwards said, CCAS will have sufficient time to perform security checks and prepare clearance badges. Liyuan Liang asked whether more extensive information will be required from those who are not United States citizens. Edwards agreed to find out.

It was agreed that the meeting should be scheduled for February 16 and 17, 2000. These dates were chosen to avoid conflicts with the PRB training course (which is scheduled in Atlanta, Georgia, on February 8-9) and CCAS' next shuttle launch (which is scheduled during the week of February 20). ERG agreed to find a hotel in Melbourne that can accommodate the PRB Action Team during these dates.

Conference call participants talked about potential presentation topics. During the last conference call, Liang noted, the Steering Committee agreed that the meeting should be focused on lessons learned about installation difficulties and site characterization needs. Since the last conference call, speakers have been identified to talk about:

Conference call participants acknowledged that additional presentations will be needed. Bob Gillham agreed to contact representatives from the University of Florida to ask someone to talk about using ultrasonics to remove precipitates. He also agreed to identify a speaker to talk about a project involving a conventional wall that uses guar slurry. Stan Morrison said that some interesting work has been conducted at Travis AFB involving a jet grouting installation. Edwards said that he will identify a speaker to talk about this site and that he will contact AFCEE to make sure that such a presentation is allowable. Vidumsky agreed to ask Grant Hocking to give a presentation on the Otis AFB site. Conference call participants said that it might also be useful to learn about the activities conducted at the Lowry AFB. One conference call participant said that Chuck Reeter might be available to give this presentation.


One conference call participant noted that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Department of Defense (DOD), and the Department of Energy (DOE) are evaluating the long-term performance of PRBs. To make this project a success, good coordination will be required between the three agencies. Members of each agency have agreed to meet in Dallas, Texas, to discuss their plans. Conference call participants agreed that the meeting should be held on the night of August 30 or 31, 1999.. Korte said that he would finalize his travel plans and contact potential meeting participants so that a date can be selected.